00:08 — which recorded the interview?
00:35 — whether All the training conducted in this room or went somewhere to go? 01:03 — that was not enough for victory to Boris Medvedev, who won Sergey, M-1 Challenge 101? 01:38 — it is Easier to fight at home or away? 02:44 — What can you say about Marcio Cabral, his opponent in the upcoming tournament M-1 Challenge 102? 03:09 — Who will win the Battle Shavkat Rakhmonov vs. Thiago Lacerda? How to perceive the shifts of his fights and the change of opponent? 04:37 — Why fight with Thiago Lacerda happened so and not otherwise? 06:03 — a significant weight loss before the fight with Pablo Ortmanns at M-1 Challenge 98; 10:00 — If you win in the immediate battle, would call the battle for the belt? 10:30 — who are more interested in fighting: Thiago Lacerda or Shavkat Rakhmonov? 11:34 — How do you see the perfect development of their nearest career?